Wednesday 26 April 2017

Best Performing Legislator Award To Shri Bek Bahadur Rai

Gangtok, April 26: (IPR) Shri Bek Bahadur Rai, Hon’ble Member of Sikkim Legislative Assembly from 22 Namcheybong Constituency, was conferred the Best Performing Legislator Award for the year 2016-17 at the Best Legislator Award function held at Chintan Bhawan Gangtok today.
The award was conferred upon Shri Rai by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri Pawan Chamling in the presence of Hon’ble Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly Shri K.N. Rai, Hon’ble Deputy Speaker SLA Shri S.G. Lepcha, Hon’ble Former Speakers of SLA, and present and former legislators of Sikkim Legislative Assembly, among host of other dignitaries as well as family members of former legislators.
The award comprised of a monetary incentive of Rupees One Lakh, a silver plate, and shawl.  
The ‘Best Performing Legislator Award’ was constituted in the year 2016 under the guidance of Hon’ble Speaker, SLA Shri K.N. Rai. Thus, this is the second year a best performing sitting legislator of SLA is being honoured with the award.
Speaking about the Award, Hon’ble Speaker SLA and President of the Award Selection Committee Shri K.N. Rai explained that the best performing legislator is selected based on certain criteria such as - the way the legislator debates in the House, the discipline and body language during Assembly proceedings, clarity on issues brought out on the floor of the House, use of language, and attendance during Assembly sessions.
The Hon’ble Speaker in his address also mentioned that the date 26th April marked the date of acclamation of Sikkim as the 22nd State of Indian Union, and hence this day was chosen to organize the Award function each year.
Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling in his address recounted the contribution of former legislators of Sikkim Legislative Assembly in laying the the foundation of present day Sikkim.  
He congratulated MLA Shri Beg Bahadur Rai for the award and added that this tradition of honouring legislators will inspire fellow legislators to perform to the the best of their capacities.
He urged the students present in the function to inculcate good virtues and work with one-pointed dedication to achieve their goals. The Chief Minister also spoke about the emphasis laid by his Government on the education sector, and urged the students to make the most of the opportunities. He also mentioned about initiatives taken by the Government for the welfare of the elderly people in society.
Three best speakers of the recently held Inter-college debate competition were also awarded on the occasion. The debate competition was organized recently by the Sikkim Legislative Assembly Secretariat to instill debating skills among students. Hom Nath Dhungel of Sikkim Government College Tadong who stood first in the competition was presented with a cash award of Rupees Thirty Thousand and certificate, runners up Nar Kumari Limboo received a cash award of Rupees Twenty Thousand and certificate, and Paul Rai of Chakhung Science College received a cash incentive of Rupees Ten Thousand and certificate.
Earlier, a Compendium titled ‘Pioneers of Democracy in Sikkim’ was released by the Hon’ble Chief Minister. The compendium, prepared by the Sikkim Legislative Assembly Secretariat, reflects upon the contribution of the Legislators of the 1st Assembly of the Sikkim Legislative Assembly. A short documentary on the Making of The Compendium was also screened after the release.
The function was also addressed by Former Speaker SLA Smt Kalawati Subba, and Former Speaker SLA Shri K.T. Gyaltsen. In the beginning of the programme, Secretary, SLA, Shri L.M. Pradhan read out the message sent by Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim Shri Shriniwas Patil for the occasion.
The function was neatly punctuated by choir performances by students of Palzor Namgyal Girls Senior Secondary School. The students were later presented with mementos for their participation in the function.
The function concluded with the vote of thanks address presented by Secretary, SLA, Shri L.M. Pradhan.

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