Sunday 16 December 2018

Chief minister and the SDF party's president Pawan Chamling today attended an interaction meet with the MLAs, Ministers, party functionaries and Jilla panchayat members and Panchayat members of west Sikkim at conference hall of Zilla Panchayat Bhawan of Kyongsa,

Geyzing,:17,Dec:  Chief minister and the SDF party's president Pawan Chamling today attended an interaction meet with the MLAs, Ministers, party functionaries and Jilla panchayat members and Panchayat members of west Sikkim at conference hall of Zilla Panchayat Bhawan of Kyongsa, Geyzing.
The SDF party functionaries heading different fronts of the party from all the eight constituencies of west Sikkim were present in the meeting.
The meeting was all about awaring party functionaries' about their roles and responsibilities.
Chief minister Pawan Chamling in his address lamented that opposition parties in the state are trying to politicalise the religions to score their political goals. He maintained that the SDF party is in a mission to save Sikkim from the destructive forces who want to disrupt the communal harmony of state through politically motivated agendas based on caste and religion. "We are not against any individual or religion but we are against the enemy of Sikkim who could be the cause of communal chaos in Sikkim and inhibitor to progress of Sikkim", chief minister said.
Describing religion as a sensitive matter Pawan Chamling expressed that the SDF party has never used religion as a political tool and people must keep Sikkim safe from political parties who are bent on increasing their vote banks with caste and religion based politics.
He directed the party workers to sensitize the people about religious secularism ensured by the SDF government in the state. Blaming the opposition parties of doing politics on religion, chief minister exorted that party workers should tell people about politics of lies spread by the opposition parties. He called for collective responsibilities on the part of party functionaries to take the party's agendas and vision to the common people. "People get lured to oppositions' politics of intimidation because our party workers do not make them convinced about delusing and negative agendas", Chamling said.

Calling upon the party functionaries to work in tandem to strengthen the party, Pawan Chamling said that state assembly poll is nearing and the party wants active participation and involvement of the party workers from all levels. He added that groupism in the party over selection of candidates in upcoming election must be avoided. Saying that opposition parties could be a risk to Sikkim's progress and prosperities, Pawan Chamling said, "The upcoming election is not about forming SDF government but all about saving Sikkim from destructive forces".
Describing the opposition parties as sponsored by capitalists of Sikkim and outsiders, Pawan Chamling stressed that Sikkim should not go in wrong hands and party cadres must work to ensure victory of the party for saving Sikkim. Stating that some rich businessmen and contractors are supporting the opposition parties, Chamling asked, "What do they want? Do they want a Sikkim where people have to pay goonda tax? They are supporting the forces who wants to transform a peaceful Sikkim into another Manipur and Nagaland", he said.
Pawan Chamling replyed to all the queries and suggestions placed by the party functionaries in the meeting.

Speaking about burning issue of Limboo Tamang seat reservation in the state assembly chief minister Pawan Chamling complained that despite of appeal made by the sate government several times and delegations sent to solve the issues, the central government has failed to reserve seats for LT community of the state.
Saying that state government has done everything to its capacity to give seats for LT communities, chief minister informed that now the authority completely lies with the central government for making provision of seats reservation. "More than 20 times I have placed the Limboo Tamang seat reservation issue with prime minister Narendra Modi and delegations were also sent by the state government several times but the central government has not been able to fulfill the aspirations of Limboo Tamang communities of the state. The central government has deprived LT communities of their constitutional rights by not reserving seats in the state assembly. It is shere injustice done to the two communities", he said.
He appealed the party functionaries to aware Limboo Tamang communities about the hurdles created by the central government regarding seat reservation.
He mentioned that if the central government fails to reserve seats for the LT communities, the SDF party would give five seats to limboo Tamang communities. 'We will not wait for central government's decision', he informed.
He informed that as a part of pre poll exercise constituency level working committee will be formed by the party.

He also shared about upcoming Junta Mela and the facilities being provided to people through mela. 20,000 youth under ambitious one family one job scheme will be provided, he added. 

Ministers N.K Subba and S.B Subedi also had addressed the meeting.

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