Friday 2 November 2018

The chief minister Pawan Chamling attended the platinum jubilee celebratory event of Soreng Senior Secondary School

TOS. Special Report: Soreng, November 2: The chief minister Pawan Chamling attended the platinum jubilee celebratory event of Soreng Senior Secondary School as the chief guest on Friday. Three days long platinum jubilee commemorative event concluded on Friday.

Soreng Senior Secondary was established in the year 1942 by some local people considering the need of educational institution in Soreng. The school has been serving the education sector of the state since 75 years and has contributed a lot for development of human resource in the state.

On attainment of 75 years of service to education sector, Chief minister Pawan Chamling congratulated the school fraternity. He mentioned that contributions of founder members of the school should not be forgotten by people of Soreng as it was beacuse of their selfless efforts Soreng Senior Secondary School came into being.

Addressing the student and people, chief minister spoke about need of education for development of a better and capable society.

Speaking about free education policies of the state government, chief minister Pawan Chamling said that in any country or state the education is not free as in Sikkim. He expressed that education has been made free of cost to develop an educated sikkimese society and also to ensure right to education for each and every sikkimese. State government's topmost priority is education sector and making the sector easily accessible to people, he said. He urged the students to reap benefits of educational facilities being provided by the state government.

Mentioning that education in the state has become degree or certificate oriented, chief minister stressed the need for making the education life oriented.

The chief minister claimed that Sikkim does not have any unemployment problem. He informed that 14% people of Sikkim work in government sector and it is the highest employment rate in the world. He reiterated within December one member of each jobless family would be provided government job on adhoc basis. Jobs would be regularised within five years, he said. He further informed that teachers working on adhoc basis would be regularised on the condition that criterias required for the job are fulfilled by the teachers.

He stressed the need for exploring the private sectors of the state for employment generation. He said that private sectors offers greater oppertunities of employment as compared to government sector. 

The chief minister stated that Sikkim has seen all round development of the state under SDF government. He said that peace and prosperity of Sikkim has been well secured.

He informed that all the demands placed by the people in his earlier visit to west Sikkim would be fulfilled in the upcoming Junta Mela slated to be held from December 17. He directed the MLAs and panchayat members to collect correct information of the people so that benefits reach to needy people.

The chief appealed the people to remain alert against the forces who are trying to divide the people on the basis of caste and religion. He reiterated that if Sikkim falls in the hands of negative forces the future of the state would be spoilt. "People should be aware about the hidden agendas of the opposition forces. Choosing a good government is in the hands of the people", he said.

Chief minister claimed that Sikkim is peaceful and devoid of any insurgency kind of situation.

The principal of the school, Narayan Basnet presenting the school report informed about various academic and other activities. He shared that the school has been able to produce eminent personalities and scholars during 75 years of continuous service to education sector. He added that effort is on for ensuring holistic education for the students.

The organizing committee felicitated founder members of the school (posthomously), former teachers and staffs of the school.

Earlier the chief minister laid the foundation stone of community health centre near Soreng bazar. The health based infrastructure will come up at the cost of rupees 8.30 crores and the project will be handled by the health department.

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