Wednesday 6 June 2018

Yoga for Basketball Players with Jugnu Agarwal

Yoga for Basketball Players

Basketball is a very physical game. Players have to be on their agile all the time. Hence, all basketball players lay emphasis on their physical fitness to give their best on the court. If you are a basketball player, and you are looking for something that will give you an edge over your competitors, I have good news for you. Trust yoga to give you what you want. It will not only help you in being sprightly, it will also calm your mind and help you focus on the game.

Here are a few benefits that you can get out of yoga:

It will help you play better

Beat that shifty opponent who’s trying to block you by changing the direction within a fraction of a second. How? Yoga poses can help you improve the mobility of your hips and hence you will be able to move faster.

You will be less susceptible to injury

Yoga strengthens your muscle and tissues. Hence they improve your immunity and make you less susceptible to injury.

You will be able to control your emotions

Breathing exercises and meditation are an integral part of yoga. This is term calms the mind. So next time when you are on the field and that opponent blocks you, you will not go into a fit of rage. Instead, you will find tactics to find your way.

Now let me tell you some of the yoga positions that will really help you:

Warrior 1

Also known as the Virabhadra pose, this pose strengthens a number of the body parts - arms, legs, shoulders, ankles, and back. And that’s not all. It opens up your hips, chest, and lungs. In addition to this, Warrior 1 pose improves your balance and stability. It also promoted circulation and respiration. Once you start practicing this pose, you will feel more energetic.


This pose resembles a triangle and hence is called the same, Trikon in Sanskrit meaning a triangle. This pose has amazing benefits. It strengthens the arms, chests, legs, knees, and ankles. It is a stretching exercise and hence opens up the groins, hips, hamstrings, and calves. It will also give you both physical and mental stability.

Cobra Pose

Yes, while doing this pose, you will look like a cobra, hence the name. You will feel stronger like a cobra too. This exercise will stretch your shoulders, chest, and abdomen. If you often feel neck or back stiffness, this exercise will resolve that. It will improve your flexibility and elevate your mood. It will also firm your buttocks and revitalize your heart.


Tadasana or a mountain pose is what it looks like. It is a complete stretching exercise affecting every part of your body - head to toe. Regular practice of this pose improves posture and makes your thighs, knees, and ankles stronger. It will increase your power and mobility and firm your abdomen and buttocks. It leads to increased mental awareness and will steady your breathing.

Tree Pose

While practicing this pose, you will be able to balance and stand firmly as a tree. Hence, the name. It stretches the entire body and strengthens the ankles and calves. It will tone your abdominal muscles. You will be able to balance while controlling your breathing and hence have more control over yourself.

Most of the yoga exercises involve stretching in one way or the other. This, in turn, gives you relief from the soreness of the muscles. You will be able to recover after an arduous game faster. Practice correctly and reap the benefits and you will see the difference in and outside the court. Good Luck!


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