Sunday 10 June 2018

Hamro Sikkim Party | District Level Committee Formed:

June 10: Hamro Sikkim party, floated by the former footballer Bhaichung Bhutia and former minister R.B Subba which made its entry into Sikkim's political arena, formed a district level working committee on Sunday. The district level committee was formed in a meeting organized by the party at resident of R.B Subba.
The meeting chaired by Lakpa Norbu Bhutia also had presence of senior vice president of the party R.B Subba, Vice president D.S Subba, spokesperson M.N Dahal, other party's functionaries and people from different parts of west Sikkim.
The party placed following persons in the district level committeee of the party. Indra Hang Subba as president, Hemlal Basnet, Dilip Rai and B.R Subba as vice presidents, T.B Rawal in the post of General Secretary.
Various party based issues were tabled in the meeting today and resolutions were passed.
Indra Hang Subba while addressing the party supporters said that the sikkimese people now must come in unison to uproot the undemocratic reign of the SDF party. He stated that Hamro Sikkim is floated in the state with aim of addressing issues related to Sikkim and the sikkimese in a democratic way through a political platform. Calling the system of government under SDF party as undemocratic and power hungry Indra Hang streesed the need to bring about a change in system through a political movement. "Hamro Sikkim Party has started a political movement with expectations that the sikkimese would support us in our movement to oust the undemocratic system of governance prevalent under SDF. Our politics encourages no political vengeance but collective effort to restore lost democracy in Sikkim", he said.
He termed the SDF led state government as 'utter failure' as far as development of west Sikkim is concerned. He mentioned that most of the developmental projects started in west Sikkim are either in limbo or in sorry conditions due to negligence on the part of the state government. He reiterated that SDF led state government headed by Pawan Chamling failed to reserve seats for Limboo Tamang community in the state. "SDF government has denied constitutional rights of the Limboo Tamang community by keeping the seat reservation issues unsolved since 14 years. The chief minister Pawan Chamling who used to say that SDF party would reserve seat for the L.T community has failed to deliver. Nowadays he is holding the central government responsible for delay being made in seat reservation issue. Limboo Tamang community is facing shere injustice", Subba added.
Party's senior vice president R.B Subba in his speech said that district level committee has been formed to strengthen the party. He informed that block and ward level committees of the party will also be formed very soon for the management of party in better way.
Claiming that Hamro Sikkim Party has support of the people from every section of the society Subba said that if the party comes to power, the party will work for greater development of Sikkim and the sikkimese as a whole. Subba added that more numbers of people are expected join the party in coming days. He expressed that Hamro party is the party of the sikkimese people. "Hamro Sikkim party is not the party of Bhaichung Bhutia and R.B Subba only but of the sikkimese people. The party is at war against the corruption and undemocratic system of government under SDF. We are on a mission for eradication of corruption and autocratic rule of Chamling regime in the state", he said.
Saying that the forces involved deeply in corruption will try to foil the the people's movement started by Hamro Sikkim Party Subba appealed his supporters not to get intimidated. He
Subba also speaking about unemployment problems in the state stated that unemployed youth have suffered the most due to rising rate of unemployment. He complained that conditions of poor people have not improved and Pawan Chamling's 'khaali khuttey ko sarkar' has failed to live upto people's expectations.
Subba informed that the party will elect its president very soon. 'Our party president would be able and efficient from all aspects', he said, adding that the party workers should work with dedications and commitment.
Other party functionaries also addressed the gatherings. They stressed the need for restoration of democratic set up of government. They called for ouster of SDF rule terming the SDF led system of government as 'autocratic and monarchical'.
Families from different places of west Sikkim joined the party. R.B Subba inducted them to the party by offering khadas and party's flags.

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