Monday 8 May 2017

A Co-ordination Meeting at Gor Gram Prashshan Kendra under Dzongu constituency today.The meeting was attended by HODs and officers of all line departments, panchayats, representatives from NHPC Stage V and local public

 MANGAN, May 8 With an aim to make Lum Gor Sangtok GPU as model GPU through the CSR -SD initiative of NHPC Stage V, DC (N) Mr Karma R Bonpo chaired a co-ordination meeting at Gor Gram Prashshan Kendra under Dzongu constituency today.The meeting was attended by HODs and officers of all line departments, panchayats, representatives from NHPC Stage V and local public at large.
The main aim of the meeting was to actively start the process of developing the GPU as the model GPU and creation of action plan with active CSR support of NHPC Stage V.Several proposals and demands were placed by the public before DC(N) and key issues ranging from sectors like education, health care, power, road connectivity, animal husbandry ,social empowerment etc were discussed at length.
Speaking to the public of Gor Sangtok GPU,DC informed that NHPC, Stage-V has decided to adopt Lum Gor Sangtok as a model GPU. Further, he highlighted the future action plan to be taken up by the district administration to make Gor Sangtok GPU as the model GPU in the state.
We have to focus more on sustainable livelihood creation rather than focus largely on infrastructure”. DC said.
Responding to the public grievances on the shortage of Maths and Science teachers in the GPU, JD(HRDD) Mr S .Lepcha assured for the earliest appointment of teachers. Meanwhile, DC also informed that the district administration was doing its best to bring regular teachers in the district.
During the meeting, questions were also raised regarding road connectivity issue, labour shortages, construction of drain boxes and carpeting of the road at Tareng, Gor, Sakyong and Sangtong at the earliest.DC has instructed SDM(Dzongu) Mr T.T Bhutia to monitor the ongoing carpeting work frequently to know the physical work progress. SDM (Dzongu) has assured for the earliest completion of the pending works. He also mentioned that there were 4 ongoing bridge construction work taking place at the moment. Once the bridges are completed,within 3-4 years all the infrastructural problems will be solved”,he added. In this context, DC added that the labour work will be provided to the locals from the respective villages that will further help in the generation of employment to the locals.
Regarding Power and electricity, S.E,Power, Mr T.T Bhutia informed about setting up of new transformers in the GPU. He mentioned that 6 new transformers will be installed soon at Lum, Gor, Sangtok, Tareng, Upper Sangtok. DC stated that shortage of Linesmen will be looked upon. He further informed that Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana(DDUGJY) will soon be initiated in the GPU that will further help to provide continuous power supply to the GPU.
Demands were also raised regarding the setting up of VLO and Veterinary Hospital in the GPU. In this connection DC has asked Additional Director,Animal Husbandry, Mr Suman Kr Subba to provide a detailed project report.
Regarding old age pension DC asked Mr Norden Lepcha (Senior Welfare Officer) to submit the list of names of disabled persons so that the funds can be directly credited into their accounts. JD(HRDD) adding to this asked the village panchayat to trace such disabled persons in the GPU in order to provide them home based education and urged NHPC Stage V to provide scholarship to affected citizens under their CSR-SD initiative.
This was followed by discussion pertaining to compensation under land acquisition Act 2014 wherein locals voiced their dissatisfaction over the delay of land compensation from NHPC Stage V. Considering this as a serious issue, DC stated that the District administration has done all the assessment and report has been submitted to NHPC Stage V and that the landowners will receive their compensation within 2-3 months.
DC further stated that North Sikkim has huge potential for diary, farming and locals should grab this opportunity for which district administration will distribute hiefers and milching cows to the farmers of the district. He also informed that necessary training and assistance for availing loans for diary farming will be provided with the active support from the power developers and urged the locals to focus more on production rather than marketing. He also urged them to double the production of orange, ginger and guava in the GPU for which resource person from KVK will conduct an interactive session will be conducted soon. Further, DC informed that the district administration will soon initiate the setting up of cold storage facility in the GPU.
On matters relating to PHSC, requirement of nurses, ward boys and provision for their quarters were raised. Responding to this CMO(N) Dr. Baroon Subba informed that an additional nurse has already been provided by the department. He also emphasized on early upgradation of Dikchu PHSC adding that it is ideally located and will help people from the GPU to avail timely health care facility. He also stressed on the need for a proper dental clinic and installation of X-RAY unit in the PHSC.
Adding on upgradation of the Dikchu PHSC, DC informed that the said task will be duly initiated through CSR-SD initiative from NHPC Stage V. The immediate priority is to procure an ambulance for Dikchu PHSC, he added.
Demands were also placed for the earliest completion of the remaining REDRH houses. Proposal was also placed for the restoration work of Gor Shagyong Mini hydro power project which has been lying obsolete since 2011.
Proposal for building up of new ICDS at Lum in convergence with the CSR fund and relocation of Phidang check post were also discussed in the programme.
Lastly,DC in his address sought collective participation from locals in making Gor Sangtok GPU the model GPU in the state. He assured to fulfil all the demands placed by the public.
Earlier, a field visit was carried out by DC(N) along with HODs wherein he inspected the under construction bridge at Ring khola, followed by the inspection of Maney Khola bridge that was subsequently followed by the inspection of Orange farm and Orange grading cum sorting unit at Gnon- Sangdong

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